Still Indulging.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

me back

I am thinking about re-entering cyberspace.

Why did I dissapear?

Firstly there was this complete breakdown of connection and computer. After a bad spree of withdrawl symptoms I got used to be without my daily chat and got strangely used to it. (Anyhow, how was life BEFORE?)

Secondly, and probably more importantly, was that I decided to hide from life back at the countryside throughout the summer. Oh, I learned that you don´t fool life that easily, it went on without listening to my protests. But being there, I could at least face fate holding hands with my daughter living there and together we somehow mastered life getting to catch us.

Still, looking back, I just lately said: it was a good year. It was exhausting, frightening sometimes, but we got things back on line for the time being. Maybe even I finally reached the point of life where I can live today and let yesterday fade and tomorrow bring what it has in store. It is a very relaxing place and I hope I will manage to stay there.

The last year brought our family a new autumn child: a tiny little girl, the daughter of our oldest son, his second child.
The last year also brought me a videocamera, with thanks to my father, and I discovered a new and time occupying hobby: making family movies. It is fun and rewarding.
The last year allowed me to loose 14 kg and brought me better health and a new haircolour.

Resolutions for the next year:
10 kg still to go.
Organizing a regular evening with all the big girls together. The first date is planned: 25th of january.
Have a “grandchildren day” four times a year.
Excercise to better listen to my mind and body what it is what I need and want. And to react on it.
Write in my blog at least once a week.

Oh, I think, this is enough for one day.

12 indulge with me:

  • At 4:05 PM, Blogger Minka said…

    I am first!
    And I guess you stopped thinking about re-entering cyber space and have put that plan into action. I am so glad you will be a fun ride. And a wonderful idea to start a new blog at the beginning of the New Year!

  • At 2:51 AM, Blogger Sar said…

    Hi Monika's mom! Best wishes on your new blog and in the new year. :)

  • At 6:10 AM, Blogger Miz BoheMia said…

    Welcome back! I am new to your writings but look forward to reading you! After all, with a sweet pea like Monika as your girl, the apple must not fall far from the tree!

  • At 11:22 AM, Blogger Biene said…

    What a lucky Mom I am, getting Monikas friends visiting my blog! Here Mom changes to Sabina and I try to be myself. I already start excusing myself, but for now, there will not be much laughing. My mood is like the weather I look at outside, cloudy and gray, with the occational Monika sunshine in my livingroom.My other kids are sunshine too, but they don't hang around at noon in my livingroom looking at some stupid show.
    So, look at the stuff I have to get off my chest or turn away with a shudder!

  • At 2:29 PM, Blogger Doug The Una said…

    Sabina, I ain't afeared. I'll be reading. Open the vent! (and I do hope from time to time your wacky daughterrrrrrr will be a topic ;-)

  • At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    dough: wait for the other ones: Than you will know what wacky means
    (by the way, I don´t really know what it means, just going by the sound of it :)

  • At 10:59 PM, Blogger Minka said…

    In my defense: I was watching ALF...for the first time in English (used to watch Alf speaking German in my younger years!) It was very funny!
    Wacky, Doug? Care to elaborate?
    Sarah, so glad you found your way ovee here. Mom is a very special person!

  • At 11:47 PM, Blogger Doug The Una said…

    OK, ok. Geez- I was just trying to be cute.

    Wacky, adj. Blithely unconstrained by social expectations or scientific predictions.

  • At 12:10 AM, Blogger Minka said…

    I actually can live with that.*hugs* all is good again in the world of Doug and Monika

  • At 4:42 AM, Blogger Doug The Una said…


  • At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Sabine, da hat dich die virtuelle Welt also wieder - schön! Aber ich darf doch weiterhin Sabine sagen, das isl. Sabina mit scharf gesprochenem s und Betonung auf der ersten Silbe bekäme ich eh nicht hin...
    Ui, so viel abgenommen! Man sieht es auf dem Bildchen bei Monika! Und sonst, alles klar? Was macht die Arbeit, der isl. Pass (magst du gar nicht mehr mal nach D kommen, tja, wir wohnen immer noch in Lu-hafen, dahin wird es dich auf einen Besuch auch nicht unbedingt ziehen), was machen Mann, Kinder, Enkelkinder, das Renovieren der Küche, dein Wohlbefinden allgemein? Fragen über Fragen... Auf jeden Fall wünsche ich dir einen tollen Start in ein grandioses 2006.
    Kuss von Kerstin

  • At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Kerstin!!
    Nein, nach Deutschland zieht es mich nicht. Du musst schon herkommen wenn es dich nach mir geluestet!
    Eben habe ich gerade den ersten Arbeitstag nach den Ferien ueberlebt...
    Dusche unten wird z.Z. renouviert, bekommst ein Photo wenn es fertig ist. Schmatz


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