Still Indulging.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Though I didn´t go to work today I was quite busy. First ting in the morning I was the driver for Julius and Margrét, the former had to go to the specialist because he hadn´t lost his cold for a too long time. As a roentgen picture showed he has an inflammation of his sinuses and got antibiotica. That all took a loong time. Then I had to to go to a heartspecialist as my latest EKG showed changes (I am overcharged?). After 20 minutes of bycicling I was told that I am fit as a fiddler. So, no excuses, on goes the life. While struggling with the bicycle we talked about Snorri Snorrason who had been this doctor's teacher. So that was that and then I spent two and a half hours in a shoppingmal, first having a coffee with a friend and then I looked for THE christmas outfit which I didn´t find but went home with some frilly blouse. AND bought a present for Monika (now she will search the house, hihihi). One hour at home and a visit of a grandchild and then ropeyoga and a steambath. top fit now. So, the christmas preparations are well on their way, a big envelope for my sister in Norway, a packet to portugal (I must rub it in and make this folks curious!) But no lights up yet :( and no time in view. Tomorrow it´s work again, but we will all go to an advent visit, so that will be nice and easy, hopefully. I am completely ready for the holidays. But who is not. See you

Once there was summer, long ago. Myself and me in June in Kopenhagen, on a boat, drinking beer...skál!

8 indulge with me:

  • At 2:24 PM, Blogger Minka said…

    present shave be purchased? teh season has really started...and Mom I used to look for them and sometimes even found them ;) But usually tehy were wrapped and all!
    Looking for my presents before Christmas...that´s just so last year!
    *womders and ponders where they could be*

  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger Minka said…

    I just read my first sentence and it hurts...I meant to type: presents have been purchased?
    Excuse my clumsy fingers and my lazy brain to re-read!

  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Thank you for explaining, yes, I stopped there. Funny combination!
    AND I said: present. HOw did it multiply so quickly? :)

  • At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hehe, Prost!

    Mist, zu deiner Buchvorstellung hatte ich dir eine Menge über einen isl. Krimi geschrieben, den ich gekauft habe, über meine vier Schutzengel mit Muckis,... aber es ist wech - lost in cyberspace *grummel*

    Jaaaa, ich brauche auch Ferien, Monika, ist das Referendariat auf Island auch so Sch...ön?

    Festen Knuddler von Kerstin

  • At 12:24 AM, Blogger Biene said…

    Ohh, Kerstin, schade :( aber dieser cyberspace, der schluckt schon viel. Schreib mir doch den Titel des Buches, wahrscheinlich habe ich es schon gelsen?

  • At 12:47 AM, Blogger Mo'a said…

    Biene, *blush* I am so sorry that I did not see your post about Auntie Mo'a, until just now.....Christmas rush, trying to do too many things in a short know how it is with Icelanders....crazy for Christmas and crazy busy geting ready in time.
    Thank you, thank you so lovely of you. And *blush* I do love your compliment.
    I also liked what Doug had to say in his comment.
    Now, where is Minka...I miss her ;(
    Are there Jolasveinar on the Milk cartons this year?

    I love your photos....makes me feel at home.

  • At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 9:49 AM, Blogger Biene said…

    dearest móa - why blush? We all have our hands fuller than full at this time of the year and blogging is fun, not obligation!!
    I don´t know about the milk, sorry, I don´t drink it. But I will have a look.
    Dear Minka seems to have gotten a life
    beside blogging and I for my part am very happy about it:), many things to do, but fine and happy.

    Lisi: don´t drink so much! Bisi must take care of you?


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