Still Indulging.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


My cleaning day is finished and I got the ltittle handsewn xmas napkins on some tables, me and my husband made graflax together and it´s in the fridge, candles are ready to be lit and so on. Outside, as so often, the storm id blowing and hail is battering the windows, it shall get worse tomorrow. So comfortable to sit inside and listen to the weather! In Selfoss the river is running into the cellar of the cinema, the hotel and Nóatúnsbúðin but it should not get worse. A ship is stranded near Keflavík, two days ago already and they can do little but watch it falling to pieces from the shore beause of the storm. Of course they did already rescue the shippers.
And that really are the news. Tomorrow we will go shopping the food, I hope, that will be fun. The list is ready. How organized we are!

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