Still Indulging.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

At last: I feel like I outran my shadow once again. The house is reasonably clean, my learning is at a reasonable speed, my future decisions are in the (for now) right direction and I had a reasonable amount of sleep. Marinó was at home this weekend, he had a bad fall last week and his ankle is blue and swollen, not broken and he can step on it but had us (and him) laughing while he went around jumping on one foot.

Only the streets need cleaning, it is again, still? snowing and before I go to bed for the night I will have to find and “unsnow” my car for early tomorrow.

My grandchild number two has birthday today and is proudly 12 years old. Congratulations! Yes, time goes on. That probably is was time is for. We wouldn´t like it to stop, would we?

I still go to rope yoga twice a week and love it. And, now for the hopefully coming sumer, I will try to reduce my weight once again for some kilos, try to stay in some shape. And further, I booked my flight for one week in Germany in may, an amazingly early decision for me and by that I got cheap flights too and I am working at getting my papers together for a master course at the university of Birmingham, teaching childen with autism, to be taken by cyberspace. So, dear friends, I am well and very alive and hope it will stay such in the near and further future.

8 indulge with me:

  • At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hallo liebe Sabine!

    Immer noch Schnee? Hier macht sich der Klimawandel mit bereits blühenden Osterglocken und Forsythien bemerkbar, die Trauerweiden ergrünen, aber die Woche soll es auch wieder kälter werden. So, du bist also in Deutschland - vielleicht schaffen wir es ja wirklich, uns zu treffen, mail doch mal, wann du wo bist!
    Genieße dein frisch geputztes Haus!
    Knutscha von Kerstin (die auch erschlanken müsste...)

  • At 3:34 PM, Blogger Doug The Una said…

    Will you be taking your courses online from a cybercafe in Birmingham? Happy birthday to S.

  • At 4:40 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Thanks Doug! Less cafe than work.
    Kerstin, Gelsenkirchen? Knapp bemessene Zeit...

  • At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wann denn? Gelsenkirchen ist von hier gut 300km wech, biste nicht mal in Mainhatten? Du fliegst doch bestimmt über Frankfurt, davon bin ich nur 80km wech...

  • At 11:09 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Kerstin, ich brauche deine mail adresse. Zum plaene schmieden... (Warum verlier ich so was immer?

  • At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hihi, anscheinend hast du sie ja doch noch gefunden! Ich würde mich sooo freuen, wenn du kämst!!! :o)

  • At 12:24 AM, Blogger Minka said…

    why is teh cyberspace gonna take teh autistic children?

  • At 10:51 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Minka, please explain? What did I say wrong NOW?


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