Just like to tell you that I am still well and alive and good by that. Of course there is always more than enough to do but I still check it only my house is dirty. I, myself, am rather clean and the clothes too. So thatá ok. As I know my mother is reading this blog I would like to ell her that I got a suprise for her (hihi, now she will not sleep the next nights!) Kerstin, Heike, Lisi. Mamma, Doug and who ever else reads me: my best regards around the world. Did I tell you that I passed all my examinations and satifying too?
6 indulge with me:
At 11:22 PM, Doug The Una said…
Sehr gut gemacht! Now clean your room!
At 11:49 PM, Minka said…
*taps finger*
wanna re-check the list you made of the people reading your blog? I'll wait!
At 6:54 PM, Biene said…
Oh, you don´t count! Three steps down...:) Doug:Noooooooo! :) Tomorrow?
At 8:44 PM, Anonymous said…
Bestanden??? Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! Seit wann studierst du denn schon wieder, dass du schon ein Examen bestanden hast? Aber du arbeitest doch noch? Fragen über Fragen, lass uns in Frankfurt treffen...
Kerstin (liest dich immer!)
At 11:35 PM, Minka said…
That's just so location-ist of you. I am apalled!
At 9:34 AM, Biene said…
K: seit september 2007. Ich arbeite auch. Ja ich weiss, ich bin toll!
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