Still Indulging.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

So, I am back home. It is always nice to come home again and now it is eastern sunday and I wish you all HAPPY EASTERN. It feels like I had been gone for a long time but here everything looks the same, a dust of snow and blue krokusses in my garden.
I had a very nice flight, from Osta/Volda one hour to Oslo where I had time to smoke a cigarette and buy some and then two and a half hour to Iceland where I slept most of the time in an quite empty airplane and three seats to stretch out and lay down. At home my husband had really cleaned, a sparkling kitchen and no strewn around newspapers. Margret came with her boys and we had waffeln with jam and cream.
Proudly I like to show you two more pictures from me and my holidays:

me on horseback

The cushions we made

3 indulge with me:

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