Still Indulging.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Here I sit once again in front of my computer...
One night found me once again in the countryside where to I had been lazy to go the last month.But as soon as I arrived there my muscles relaxed, I got a wonderful salate for dinner, slept well, knitted, read and chatted. So that was very nice.
The trip there brought me into an unsuspected snowstorm, it loaded down in seconds. See the picture. (taken while driving, nice?)

I try to promote my new autistics homepage, google does not find me yet. Got any tips? Anyhow I did put it as a link in my blog now and put up counters .
Kerstin, I whish you all luck. When will you come and visit me?
I am looking forward to our stay in Lisboa over Eastern!

8 indulge with me:

  • At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hallo liebe Sabine!

    Na, das Foto motiviert mich jetzt nicht so wirklich, mal wieder gen Island zu fliegen... ;o)
    Nee, Blödsinn, ich würde echt mal wieder gerne kommen. Jetzt fliegen wir aber erst mal vor Ostern für 10 Tage nach Mallorca, dort waren wir noch nie. Die Reise ist aus einem Last-Minute-Reisebüro, daher leisten wir uns einen feudalen 5-Sterne-Schuppen, hach, ich freu mich, ordentlich ausspannen, bin echt noch ein bisschen aus der Spur. Von meinen Kollegen sind schon 2 durchgefallen, ein bis zwei weitere werden wohl noch folgen (von insgesamt16). Ich bin echt froh, es geschafft zu haben. Aber warum spamm ich dir hier deinen Blog voll - muss dir wirklich mal eine Mail schicken...

    Dicken Knutscha von Kerstin

  • At 3:15 AM, Blogger Minka said…

    taking pictures while driving in a storm, Thinks we do to keep our blog entertained :)

    Glad you had some relaxation in the countryside:)

  • At 2:24 PM, Blogger ~Mo'a~ said…

    I remember this kind of storm...skaf snjor.
    I agree with Minka, you do go a long way to keep us entertained.
    I will be in Iceland in May.....did I tell you that already? I am so excited. Hope to see you and Monika while I am there :)

  • At 8:25 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Yes, mrs anonymus, dann lass dich malschön braun brennen auf Mallorca! Ich wuensche dir gues Wetter!
    Thanks, Monika!
    aunti móa: looking very much forward to meet you in person! Hope it will have stopped snowing then!

  • At 1:53 AM, Blogger Doug The Una said…

    Yeah, taking pictures is exactly what you should do driving in a blizzard. I guess you'd finished your knitting.

    Pretty picture, though. Thanks for that.

  • At 11:10 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Not while driving, Doug!

  • At 11:11 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    I mean, finishing my knitting :)

  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Doug The Una said…

    Just making sure.


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