Still Indulging.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Saturay Special Guess:

My saturay special guess:
Who is this?

Ask for a little snow... yesterday evening it started snowing and it was so beautiful during the night, like light falling from the sky. And it is still snowing... Here in Iceland most things come in extremes: either there is no wind which is seldom or there is WIND. That´s why only very courageous people wear a hat. But for now we have to shuffel through snow, without wind. One day later: it is still snowing...

4 indulge with me:

  • At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hihi, auf der Hütte in der Pórsmörk wären wir froh gewesen, wir hätten die Gurken zum Essen gehabt....
    Gruß und Kuss von Kerstin

  • At 12:44 AM, Blogger Biene said…

    1. you are right
    (anonymus was right too)
    2. I met here a young man riding a horse, no, not white, married him and stayed:) long story in few words.

  • At 12:44 PM, Blogger Minka said…

    I demand to be consulted about any picture you put on your blog!!! For the love of god, mom-have some compassion! This picture was taken on our ghostly girl´s night out! I dressed appropriately :)

  • At 10:30 PM, Blogger Doug The Una said…

    Not to fear, Monika. How many women other than you could have made that look work?


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