Still Indulging.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Starting with our beautiful Iceland:

This is strange, I havn´t been in for such a long time and still found the way.
I have been feeling lousy the last month and was in no mood to continue the blog, sorry blog! I see that somebody has honoured me wis a long, long comment and I don´t know how to kick it out, can I do that?
The last month I haven´t beem working because of a nervous something (lemmons can been throuwn quite hard sometimes and I wasn´t quick enough to grip and and throw it back, but I still struggle to go again to university and that keeps me nicely occupied. So, after all husband and me decided to flee the country and make a trip to Rom and will be leaving tomorrow.
But, before I leave you a little picture for those who like them, and regards to everybody, Kerstin,Ulrike,Mamma,dough, Móa and Heike too. Don´t give up on me!
(otherwise Monika will come vikingstyle.)

4 indulge with me:

  • At 11:35 AM, Blogger Doug The Una said…

    Great photography, Biene!

    So, Monika has learned the viking method of opening the grill and smiling at prey. She's a natural.

    Oh, and when you're logged in, at the bottom of each comment you should see a little icon that looks like a trash can. Click that and you can remove long comments, spam comments and californian comments. Have a great trip and rest a little.

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Minka said…

    MOM; I love you, I really do...but we need to talk about appropriate pictures for blogs...the last one would ahve been a definite NONO!

    Two weeks in Italy? i think I can return a favor or two while you are away :)

    I love the third picture!

  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Dough, it was fearfull!! But thanks or the tip, the bin worked:) And thanks for looking at my blog--though useually t´s empty:)
    Monika, I feel save with you.

  • At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hallo meine Liebe!

    Da bist du wieder, wie schön! Tolle Bilder, hihi, das von Monika ist ja immer noch dabei, mir gefällt es aber, liebe Minka!

    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Zeit in Rom, ich war mal mit 15 dort, es ist eine wirklich tolle Stadt, genieße die Zeit!

    Ich hoffe, dass deine Gesunheit wieder richtig strotzt und was hast du an der Uni gemacht???

    Ich freue mich auf die nächsten Fotos von dir!

    Festen Knuddler von Kerstin


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