Still Indulging.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I am still wondering what I will be when I grow up (if I ever grow up)? Somehow this life now seems like an interlude to something. It goes too smooth now, too easy. In heart I am a very ambitious person. (Am I really or do I just think I am?) Here I am with one BA and a teacher certificate. On the way to another BA, two years gone, one more to go if I start again, and I think I should, feel bad letting this one hanging around. Then, I would like a MA degree, an Phd if possible. And then what? By that time I will be 70 and no time left to become famous world wide.

I should have started right in the beginning, after highschool. But then I didn´t have the stamina or the resources so I took the easy way out, I got married and had children. And some more. I wouldn´t want to have missed that. A friend of mine in Germany is a professor, no children, but not famous either, not where I live at least.

When I started working in old age I got the lick of money. What a luxure to go out and buy THOSE boots because I like them. To give money to the children when they need it. To buy whatever without asking anybody. I like my work. I also like the people I work with. So I would not be really happy about stoppning to work.

I love to learn and I can do it, I am a little slow remembering names and dates but I have other knowledge to compensate. I got a lot of As.
But then: there is so much to learn. And so much more. Where would I start? How far can I go? There is always somebody better, cleverer who knows more than me. That for competition.

And: There is a lot I know already and am impatient about listening to it again. Looking over some offers there is included a course about families of handicapped children you hvae to take. I AM a family of handicapped childen. I am nearly 60 and in classes often I knew what the teacher would say next. In between there are pieces of gold and you start thinking in a new way but the time in between! All the papers you write, the work you do and then they are in a box in my bookshelve. I´ve got lots of them and still more.

So Point one: I would like to have a title. For whom? Selfish? This needs some more thinking.
A title: somebody else tells you you are good enough to do something. It´s something you can choose to put an your adress. OK, it opens doors to more interesting jobs. Me? At 70? Or even 65?
Follow up will follow. Too much thinking for one setting.

11 indulge with me:

  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger Minka said… have mentioned this before. It really seems to occupy your mind a lot. A title?
    You are a Mom, a wife, a teacher, an adopted mom, the mom of a handicapped child, a grandma...there are so many titles you already have.
    Some of my classmates at university are so daft that I wonder however they managed to get a degree. A certificate that says you have finsihed this and that is ambigious.
    I know so many people that look up to you and that is fam ein my mind!

  • At 3:23 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Yes. Thanks. My thinking is not yet done. I know that I go wrong somewhere.
    By the way- somebody looks up to me?? And me so small. hihi

  • At 3:24 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    I still like my bee a lot! Thanks for finding it for me!

  • At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Liebe Sabine, wofür brauchst du unbedingt einen Titel? Um ihn tatsächlich zu führen - und dann, bist du dann ein besserer, klügerer, weiserer Mensch?

    Ich habe dich immer für deine Neugier bewundert, neue Dinge auszuprobieren, dich vom Unbill des Lebens nicht unterkriegen zu lassen, dem Leben seine positiven und interessanten Seiten abzugewinnen. Wofür brauchst du da noch einen Titel?? Ja, um einen bestimmten Job machen zu können, wenn es ohne diesen Titel nicht geht, das wäre ein Grund, aber du liebst doch deine Arbeit und ich denke, du machst sie gut, deine Schüler können so viel von dir provitieren.

    Ich habe ja meinen M.A. und dazu fällt mir eine Begebenheit ein: Als wir geheiratet haben, musste ich diesen Titel angeben und die Standesbeamtin hat mich tatsächlich als "Frau Magister Artrium" mit Jürgen verheiratet, soviel zu meinem Titel!

    Nachdenkliche Grüße von Kerstin

  • At 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    P.S.: Wenn ich das Bienchen sehe, fällt mir immer ein:
    In einem unbekannten Land,
    vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit,
    war eine Biene sehr bekannt,
    von der sprach alles weit und breit.
    Und diese Biene die ich meine die heißt Maja,
    kleine freche Biene Maja....
    Demnächst mehr (kennst du das? Du, Monika?)

  • At 9:31 PM, Blogger Biene said…

    Yes anonymus Kerstin, I know I do some funny thinking at the moment. How nice you talk about me behind my back, my ears are growing qiute big.
    I know the book Maja, never read it though. But your lines I don´t know, I like them!
    When will you visit??

  • At 12:34 AM, Blogger Minka said…

    Ich kenne das Lied, sehr genau sogar! Biene Maja...schön. Ist mir noch gar nicht zu dem Bild eingefallen, aber jetzt wo du es sagst...krieg es gar nicht mehr aus meinem Kopfe:)

  • At 12:35 AM, Blogger Minka said…

    "Wenn ich an einem schönen Tag,
    durch eine Blumenwiese geh',
    und kleine Bienen fliegen seh',
    denk ich an eine, die ich mag."

  • At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hihi, Monika, an die Strophe konnte ich mich gar nicht mehr erinnern! Wichtig ist natürlich der tschechische Akzent!

  • At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sabine, das Lied ist das Intro zum Biene Maja Comic, sehr beliebt hier in Deutschland in den 80ern. Gesungen von Karel Gott, der goldenen Stimme aus Prag!
    Gruß von Kerstin
    P.S.: Ja, ich würde schon gerne mal wieder nach Island kommen! Mittlerweile verstehe ich auch deine latente Abneigung gegen Bäume, man sieht dann wirklich nix mehr. ;o)

  • At 6:12 PM, Blogger Miz BoheMia said…

    You sound like an amazingly well-rounded woman loved by all those that surround you... the rest doesn't matter although yes, you must satisfy your personal ambitions...

    I am guilty of needing a title too! It is an unfortunate thing of this society. If you cannot be defined by a single word that answers the question "What do you do?" then what and who are you?

    We are facing some financial danger and this week will give us an idea if we sink or swim... if we sink, I may not be able to teach yoga for a while and I would not only lose the job I love but some to a certain degree, my sense of identity... not good, I know, but there it is! So yes, I do understand!


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