I am still alive but the doctor discribed me bedrest, so you will hear from me later
About Me
- Name: Biene
- Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Daughter of two, wife of one, mother of six, grandmother of seven, no pets needed.
Cingular Phones |
Blogs I visit
My previous blog
Previous Posts
- Time is passing - as it should. I am getting f. f....
- I am still alive but the doctor discribed me bedre...
- Hi everybody! I found a new way into my blog, nice...
- At last: I feel like I outran my shadow once again...
- Two days gone into my 60th year and – really, I do...
- Life saves itself
- Yes, we have a lot of snow. And I am tackling my n...
- sweet words:
- Just like to tell you that I am still well and ali...
- I hadn´t intended writing on the blog, it just pop...