Still Indulging.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Me: in a hurry as aways, 20 mouths waiting to be fed on christmas day, so I tried to open the hole in the potatoebag with my fingers. After two days my thumb was dobblesize and the second time (the first time I felt so stupid going to the ER with a thumb! and turned back home half way there) so, in the evening I went again, waited for four hours and came home like that for ten days. The ten days are over and the thumb is nearly normal size again, fully useable and minimal hurting. There was a little bone splitting. So: USE SISSORS, not your fingers.!

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Life is irritating me these days, specially the computer. Everything I want to do doesn´t work. Like: using my new usd device. like: setting pp on the internet. like: the nonfunctioning connection in the countryside.
Other: the bandage is gone and I feel sooo much better for it. Now I learned to appriciate my right hand functioning. I don´t want to be a cry baby, but this got on my nerves!! Finally I can knit again!

But, whatever: I wish you all a long and happy NEW YEAR!