Still Indulging.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Strange: Time is ticking on. The last working day is finished, the last shopping has been done, the fridge is clean and I don´t have to be ashamed of my house. So little pinguin, don´t be afraid to come home. As I say: the house must be clean, if I should fall down of the sky nobody will be able to say I was a slump. Though, I didn´t clean the freezer- but people will have to live with that. So hopefully I will be in a warmer place tomorrow at this time, preferably with a glass of wine in my hand.
Oh, yes, the cake is in the freezer. And there is some bred and butter, milk and cheese in the fridge. And fiskibollur that should still bel alive.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I am packing my bag. No, I did pack it before yesterday, I am adding things. Never before have I looked so much forward for holidays. My suitcase, really. I got a beautiful pink pink black one. I saw pink and had to buy it. So, tomorrow the last working day, short and beautiful and then two weeks away. Let it blow and rain and snow in Iceland meanwhile, I will not care!
So, my dear ones, the next post will be from Lisboa. And, dear Monika, tehre will probably be no food in the house. I hope I remember tomorrow to empty your fridge, will put in on the list. Maybe the chokocake will live? Let me know!

Friday, March 23, 2007


I thought I had a clean house, where does all this dirt come from?
Shining silver, crawling in cupboards, taking dust, dust, dust... It is late and I will keep it short tonight. Have to go to IKEA once again tomorrow morning to change a lamp.. but I got my cell phone with me dear mother, so when I get lost I can call the weather forecast.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Yesterday I boughta new table for our TV. Today I bought two sidetables, same kind. I had a little time left, so I decided to go to IKEA to byu one small item I knew I wouln´t get elsewhere. So, you come to IKEA, if you can, it is a huge building looming in the lavarocks and you think you couln´d miss it, but I did, the first time arriving in the dark. You have to pass a strange bridge, around two roundabouts and in the rain I missed the right street. So, today I arrived. It was storm and pouring rain and there is a huge parking place, but the near spots are reserved for people in wheel chairs-that I respect- and for families. So, as a single female I had to fight hundreds of meters through rain and storm. Finally inside, you have to go to the second floor to get to the first floor. That I did, over the one and only staircase you have to be clever to find- up, around a corner and down again-hurried through corners and sections and cupperware and got lost the first time, but arrived finally at the section I thought I needed. No, you get that on the second floor. So, ten minutes lost again on the first floor to find the one and only steps to the second floor. There I found rather quickly the department I needed, but didn´t find the item in question and had to wait about ten minutes more to find somebody to ask. We are so sorry, we will get it after 3 weeks. So, down again to the first floor: the one and only stairway at the other side of the huge house. So, now on the first floor I wanted to get out again, but had to go through the first floor once again in opposite direction, didn´t get lost this time, and after divers corners and sections and cupperware once again rather exhausted and with sore feet I... finally...found the way out and was ready to shoot the architect. In future I will avoid this, alas, they got some rather nice products but hopefully I will get on living without them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So much to do and to think of...
A new bathroom. Planning work (for workers). buying tiles (chose a long time ago), paying tiles.
Planning my first grandson´s konfirmation next sunday. (with help from is mother but it will be at our home, so.. if you know me you know what will happen: cleaning, changing). Bought a new table for our TV. Will buy new couch tables tomorrow - my favorite shop has a 50% discount. Planning the table decoration (with my daughter, of course) planning the finesse of a hot dinner on the table when the guests arrive. Going through my dishes and silverware.
Up over my head at work. Reorganizing our work. Got 4 great books over visuelle help for autistic children. So many great ideas we must make alive.
Working on my side, new exercises nearly daily,
Got my rope yoga routine up, three times a day now.
Making lists... making ists. Food lidts, shopping list, to buy lists. When will I paint the paint walls in my new bathroom? some tiles come up tomorrow. Must get a piper and an electrician. Some rusty wire for the table decoration. Saw some great flower that will siut our ruogh style planning. Bought and am washing garden cloth for decorating, they got a rather strong smell. What will I have for dinner tommorrow? I would like to finish knitting my new sweater (silk) before we go on holidays. My dress for the comfirmation hangs nice and ready. I did byu paint to paint boxes for school but I havn´t yet done it in two weeks. Should phone my sister, forgot her birthday last week (shame!!). Still have to pack present for gGrandhcild. Yes you will get a piv-cture of decoration and food" and maybe people too. There is a new story on my side: Baking. Very proud of my pupil. Icelandic yet...learn some icelandic on the way.
Storms outside, our road to the countryside was closed once again because of blizzard. Driving in town is bad enough, heavy rain and storm. Tomorrow kids go riding again. Must not forget my overall and the new books to show. Oh, my schoolkey, forgot him three days in a row. Some morning I forget my teeth in the waterglass.
So, me go to bed, read a thriller forget the world and try sweets house delivered from the US.

Friday, March 16, 2007

upps, me?

This picture was taken by one of my grandchildren from his view point. Now I understand the pictures they are drawing of me..
At least he got my face and not my belly. here is one of many reasons to go on your knees in front of children.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

a spring stroll

Today we had a riding lesson with our class for special kids. The kids love it. I love the icelandic spring. And it was sooo much fun!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Here I sit once again in front of my computer...
One night found me once again in the countryside where to I had been lazy to go the last month.But as soon as I arrived there my muscles relaxed, I got a wonderful salate for dinner, slept well, knitted, read and chatted. So that was very nice.
The trip there brought me into an unsuspected snowstorm, it loaded down in seconds. See the picture. (taken while driving, nice?)

I try to promote my new autistics homepage, google does not find me yet. Got any tips? Anyhow I did put it as a link in my blog now and put up counters .
Kerstin, I whish you all luck. When will you come and visit me?
I am looking forward to our stay in Lisboa over Eastern!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


After writing names and adressen and passwords and.. and doing that again, like a stroll through the rainforest I finally found my blog again. Yes Dough, my haircut is still nice, but I am getting bored to look at my face and that drives me to write something more. Sorry, no new pics. Sorry, no new tales of my life either. I spend my days trying to teach a child to sit at a table, fight, fight fight, but now the time is down to three minutes instead for 20. To get him to sit. The next step will be to get him to work. It´s rather exhausting and tries on my patience. Sit sweety, sit on the chair. Here look: a picture. The boy sits at the table No, don´t sit under the table, sit at the table. SIT! Wrum, wrumm, look at the car - sit! SIT! and so on.
I´ve got a new homepage with exercises for children with autism or slow learners and there my computer work went instead of in the blog:
and it is just a start. The weather news: no snow, frost, no wind, but the sun is staying up longer and at noon it gets something like warm.